@ivory any plans to support viewing someone's follows in-app if they are on another instance?

@jelly yes, brains are weird. I always tell people, no matter the topic, you likely know more about what you are specifically presenting than anyone in your audience. Also, "that's a great question, I have no idea the answer!" is a perfectly acceptable reply. 🙃

@brianmueller @paul I mostly act like season 2 didn't happen. I like how 3 has started though.

@jamesthomson @tomo you'll make it up in volume ... that's how that works, right?

@jamesthomson @tomo James, just have Cotton Bureau bulk-ship the European ones to you, and hand-deliver them on the train all across Europe!

And we appreciate you @jamesthomson !

@ssamulczyk @jsnell @CARROT you go on vacation with the forecast you have, not the forecast you might want or wish you had at a later time.

@christianselig biggest issue with the Air for me was the RAM limit of 24 GB. Just got my MBP with 64 GB of RAM, and I'm loving how well that performs.

@jelly Right? Especially after getting @ivory on my phone, it felt like Mastodon on the desktop didn't exist yet.

@dnanian same here. And of course it went lightning fast.

@paul how are you liking typing on it? I just saw this on their website the other day and have been intrigued. The problem is I have two K2's now (one at the office and one at home), so if I love this I'm worried I'll have to buy two keyboards again ...

@lenaTea from a user's perspective, HealthKit makes the data more portable long term, just in case the app ever goes away.

@lenaTea do the entries get added to Apple Health, or are they only stored in the app?

@drdrang @drio @NetNewsWire ditto. I get Twitter alerts still for the weather guy I follow nearby, but that's all Twitter is to me now.

@manton I drove through Austin on 290 to Fredericksburg today ... I was amazed at all the broken tree branches along the way!

@5am@defcon.social @stroughtonsmith This looks great! I can't wait to try it out.