@dnanian Very cool, thanks for the insight!

@dnanian Gotcha! Mine is actually similar in that I have and EdgeRouter and EdgeSwitch in front of everything, then the UniFi APs after that.

Plume looks interesting, but I've never seen something like this that required a subscription. What were you using before that made the switch to paying an annual subscription for Wi-Fi worth it? I'm genuinely curious, as the idea is completely new to me.

@dnanian I know it's stupid expensive, but I am amazed at how well my UniFi equipment works. Is it overkill for my home networking, WFH setup? Yes. Do I ever complain about it? No.

I'd love to see @overcastfm adopt something like this, where you can assign a podcast to one or more playlists from the podcast setting screen as opposed to the smart playlist settings.


@alexcox @dobyfriday I wish I had been exposed to more thoughts like these years ago. My dad dealt with undiagnosed bipolar for years, and it was hard to understand some of his mood swings at the time. I've dealt with my own depression and anxiety recently, and it's refreshing to hear you talk about your struggles so openly.

@billvinson I'm way behind but had the exact same thought about @gruber.

@manton thanks for mentioning this. I have gotten so tired of the noise that is mixed into Google search results.

@atpfm @marcoarment it's a brilliant feature and you know you'll do it just so your own devices don't hear any wake words 😉. And we all thank you for your sacrifice.

@alexcox 🤣

@simonbs @viticci What is this "Touch Bar" you speak of? 🙃

@caseyliss Seems like a macOS/iOS only developer. Not big like 1Password, but maybe that's a good thing?

I don't hate 1P8 like you do, but I certainly don't enjoy it much of the time. Might give this a try when my 1P subscription runs out.

@caseyliss, have you ever looked at secrets.app/ as a 1Password replacement? Just noticed this was available through my Setapp subscription.

@drdrang easily the worst way to dispense paper towels ever.

@ttscoff I know my mail carrier and UPS guy both on a first name basis. FedEx and Amazon are almost never the same person twice.

@paul I used to pay almost 4x that highest plan for 50/50 dedicated fiber because it was all I could get. Thankfully I'm on a more reasonable plan now!

@redpandaclub thanks!

@redpandaclub I'd love to help test the Mac beta if you still have space available! Email is anthony@anthonyallison.me.

@manton gotta love Texas weather!

This got me thinking back to the recent episode of Downstream with @jsnell and Tim Goodman ...


Thanks for sharing @stroughtonsmith! Never heard of this, but it may be the thing I needed to jump into stickers on my MBP.