@redpandaclub loving this so far! Any chance we will eventually be able to sync our Side Chats between multiple devices? And maybe store our API key in Keychain so we can enter it on one device and have it sync to others?

@Moltz they make our lives so much more than they could have been alone, and it hurts to have that missing. My heart goes out to you sir.

@stroughtonsmith I am constantly amazed at your various ways of holding these models.

@Aaron @CARROT @brianmueller I can't wait to see the emails you get over this ๐Ÿ˜‚

I'm happier reading about vector math, which I'm fairly inexperienced with, than dealing with people today ...

The @dobyfriday after show where @hotdogsladies discusses his use of tags vs. folders with @alexcox just blew my mind ... now I can't resist the urge to reorganize my entire @obsidian vault ...

@mikestanley then the sadness sinks in when I go to the webpage and see it's owned by Amazon now ... ๐Ÿ˜ž

@mikestanley the amazing part of this post is realizing that Woot! is still a thing ! ๐Ÿ˜‚

@marcoarment it's a terrible testament to the advertising of my youth that I saw this picture and the Hot Pockets theme song immediately played in my head ...

@Cdespinosa @caseyliss other benefit I remembered as I backed into a space todayโ€”most newer cars have backup cameras, so if you are backing in it is easier to see how close you are the barrier, wall, or car in the opposite parking space.

@ttscoff maybe you could you get it delivered to your hotel?

@ttscoff travel bidet FTW:

TOTO Travel Handy Washlet YEW350-WH a.co/d/4KPS7Q7

@Cdespinosa @caseyliss we call it "first movement forward" parking, and it is the best way to park in my opinion.

Other benefit, when backing into a space you can see the lines with your side mirrors, so you are better able to center the vehicle in the parking spot.

@haditurk @atpfm @siracusa I second this! And they have great customer service too; an actual human answers the phone or your email if you ever have a problem with an order, and they take care of it immediately and without question.

@viticci why do people feel the need to point out text selection works great on Android, when there is nothing else about an Android tablet that makes it worth considering?

@atpfm listening to the after-show, I think @siracusa undervalues his time ... a little money spent on a new hacksaw blade and vice would have given him back and entire day to do something else. Like watch a movie with the speakers he just bought.

@jsnell every sports broadcast on every platform should be offering the same!

@cabel have you ever seen the minis available this way?

@dmoren I assume they are related, but I also hate the proliferation of "predictive" text as you type in some apps. I have a hard enough time finding the right words to express my thoughts without having to process and reject the machine's suggestions.