@hotdogsladies @siracusa I mean, I'll add it to the list. But I have a few other things to do first 😂
@siracusa you realize you just handed me a 1,344 page book and said, "go find your answer somewhere in here"? I think @hotdogsladies would be disappointed in you.
I don't remember who exactly, but I definitely remember a podcast with either @imyke or @jamesthomson discussing the length of the UK coastline. So, I of course thought of them when I heard this podcast: https://overcast.fm/+4kN2J_no
@danielpunkass nice tie!
@petergam sorry, I don't. I'm sure you'll make a lot of people happy with this!
@petergam I'd be happy to help test your app. Can you share some more info about it?
@mergesort Nancy Boy products. I adore their shaving products, body soap, and shampoo. Well worth the cost, and something I enjoy daily.
@flexibits yes, but you have not incorporated Intune, so it is not allowed to connect to my organization's M365 account. Probably the same issue @azizbawany is having.
@azizbawany @flexibits I really miss using Fantastical with my Outlook calendar. Hopefully they will incorporate the needed MS frameworks at some point.
@nileane if it makes you feel better, my commute three days a week starts at 5 am ...
@atpfm does the scare sheet also have a scarrow?
@hemisphericviews and to make @martinfeld feel better about the name in the cafe thing, I somehow get called Nathan when I give my name in coffee shops and the like. I've resorted to giving Tony as my order name to reduce the confusion.
@hemisphericviews regarding episode 102, the chair is the HAG Capisco chair. I have the same one and love it, even if I never sit backwards on it.
@atpfm I'm with @caseyliss and @marcoarment on the iPhone introduction. I wanted one so badly, but wasn't in a place I could give up my crackberry yet.
@ivory now it's working as expected , and I swear it wasn't before ... 🫤
@mercury I would love it if the text widget on the Lock Screen had a version that showed today's high and low temp in addition to the current temp. Something like this:

@chbeer 🤣
@ivory why is that my keyboard doesn't suggest emoji as autocomplete replacements when I type out a typical emoji name? Like, if I type "rofl", the keyboard normally suggests 🤣 as a replacement. But not in Ivory.