@cdmoomaw @hotdogsladies Yes! I work on a Mac and iPad, and using any MS application breaks my brain when I try to do text selection and navigation. Why they think someone using a Mac should used Windows shortcuts is beyond me.
@manton @vincent@micro.blog aren't your S3 charges going to dwarf what Backblaze costs though?
@vincent@micro.blog I wonder, if I make this my email signature at work, how long before I get called in by HR?
@hotdogsladies I appreciate the sentiment though!
@robot I agree the method is not important. Did you use water and coffee beans? Then it's coffee.
@film_girl setting aside the name (because we never submit to changing things here in the south, right?), I'd say it's much better than things like Southern Living.
Assuming she does the IG, make sure your mom knows about James Farmer: https://www.instagram.com/jamestfarmer
@danielpunkass That's amazing!!! I didn't realize basil could propagate like that.
@jsnell thanks!
@ttscoff since when did @christianselig start making pepper sauce‽ 😳 😆
@jsnell you've linked before to where you buy the rainbow logo sticker you put on the lids of your MacBooks, but I can't find it (searching for "Jason Snell six color Apple logo sticker" or some variant thereof gives me lots of Six Colors links 😂). Would you please share again where you buy them from?
@georgetakei And the tech companies dwarf that, in terms of both gross earnings and profit margin. Exxon had a profit margin of about 10% that quarter; Google and Apple were 20–25% profit margin.
Anyone that owns a mutual fund is a "wealthy shareholder" that benefited from those dividend payments and stock buybacks.
@tomjacob well, that sounds like a terrible internet experience to me. But if it works for you, then 👍🏻. I'll stick to Kagi.
@tomjacob I don't know when I'm ever not logged in to Google for one service or another.
I don't believe being logged out is that effective and preventing the ads and tracking you are trying to avoid.
@tomjacob and that's useful because?
@tomjacob you aren't logged in to Google when you use it?